Monday 8 May 2006

Prime comes before a fall...

Did I say I was in my prime? So, how come I keep having these "senior moments"? First, I bought an MP3 player a couple of months ago but appear to have lost the software that surely came with it ... have ended up buying another one, though after some reflection, not exactly the same one, in case I do find the software for the first one, which is either in a Very Safe Place or possibly, went out in the rubbish with the box (I can't believe I could have been quite this stupid, but the evidence seems to be against me). Then, while attempting to cut my toe-nails using sewing scissors, I somehow managed to cut the finger holding the toe in question - a good excuse for leaving pedicures to the professionals in future. Then, after going out several times recently wearing my summer jacket and ending up having to carry it in the heat, this morning I set out blithely in the sunshine wearing open sandals and with neither jacket nor umbrella - so of course it rained after lunch! But, as I had to go to a shopping centre to buy an MP3 player, I decided I might as well buy myself a(nother) umbrella, I haven't had a full-size one since I left the last one on a train. Somehow I found myself in the basement of our local department store (we only have one!), walking around with a plastic penguin that functions as a timer for lifting a tea-bag out of a mug, trying to decide whether to buy it while I examined some other interesting kitchen gadgets .... Well, I did resist it in the end, having realised that I really didn't need to spend €20 on such a device - even if it does match my black-and-white kitchen very nicely - given that I was about to spend the same amount on an umbrella. Which I did, and managed not to leave it on the tram on the way home. Now all I need to do is find the instructions for the cordless phone I bought before Christmas to replace the one I have now on which the LCD display has died..... and of course, get the new MP3 player working. I sometimes wonder whether I was made for the modern world.


At 10/5/06 07:58, Blogger b o o said...

well i wear a jacket everyday although i feel warm all the time. i take it off indoors & i feel cold in the airconditioning. oh i don't know!

At 10/5/06 08:28, Blogger Dakota said...

Of course you are made for this modern world :) And I was wondering, did you check the internet, maybe you could download the software for the original MP3 player. If so, you can return the second one :)

At 27/5/06 04:50, Blogger Sir G said...

glad to have found a name for these things that happen to me all the time: "the senior moments"!


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