Monday 24 April 2006


My friend M. recently asked me why people blog: she thinks 99% of blogs are deeply uninteresting and that their authors are basically megalomaniacs. As it happens I was already thinking about this because Sabine just asked the same question - but Friday's Economist has more-or-less answered it for me! As the article says, there are as many reasons as there are blogs but in my case:
- because I can, especially having a broadband internet connection and a digital camera - I had been reading other people's blogs for months, then started using the blogging software to resize photos, from there to actually creating a blog was only a tiny step. It's taught me a lot about IT stuff, I've even struggled with html code (largely failing, as you can see from that bright blue box on the right, which I can't change without altering the colour of the one below, which happens to be the way I wanted it..);
- because it's fun! I prefer typing to writing by hand, so I like this better than a journal, also because I can put photos in it, and link to content elsewhere on the web;
- because it links me into a worldwide community of bloggers, some of whom comment on my ramblings, and whose own thoughts set me thinking about things I might comment on myself;
- because I don't know where else to put those things I want to comment on, but can't remember to tell everyone I meet, or even remember myself beyond a week: it might be a cute cat I saw in a shop window, or a pretty building, or a funnily translated menu, or just something I thought or heard and wanted to record.
Not that I have anything interesting to bring anyone today, except the worst music video of all time which you can see here.


At 24/4/06 09:26, Blogger Dakota said...

Wow, that video is weird, horrendous, wonderful and hilarious at the same time. Great find!

My reasons for blogging are very similar to yours. I have broadband too and instead of aimlessly surfing the web I wanted to try something different. I had heard a lot about blogging so I gave it a try and surprise, surprise I enjoy it very much. It’s fun! Oh and I had way to much time on my hands, maybe that’s a reason too :)

I enjoy your blog (and the comments you leave on other blogs) very much Qaminante. Your blog is interesting, funny and I like your style. Keep up the good work!

At 25/4/06 08:27, Blogger b o o said...


At 26/4/06 17:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me,to link me into a worldwide community of bloggers,this is a reason of my blooging. One of my dream is to make a freind in every country!


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