Wednesday 13 December 2006

Beau show

Brussels' Winter Fun (Plaisirs d'Hiver/Winterpret) festival is in full swing, with a son-et-lumière show in the Grand' Place that runs more-or-less continuously from dusk to midnight. It's great fun but I think somewhat over-sold here - what are "integrated urban markings", and do they know what "peculiar" means, I wonder?!


At 17/12/06 09:55, Blogger b o o said...

magnificent buildings, wish the lights were better captured?

At 18/12/06 08:10, Blogger Mridula said...

Since you have so many pictures of the season you might be interested in this?

At 19/12/06 20:35, Blogger qaminante said...

Well, boo, the pictures on the official website are more impressive as regards the beams of light, but they don't actually bear much relation to what I saw!
The main focus of the show is lighting the buildings in different colours and them having images e.g. of snowflakes move across them.


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