Italy trip
Dolomites from Passo Rolle, in the Valle del Vanoi near S. Martino di Castrozza.
Asolo, where Freya Stark lived, wrote her travel books, and died in 1993.
Ramblings of a traveller in Brussels
Dolomites from Passo Rolle, in the Valle del Vanoi near S. Martino di Castrozza.
I sometimes wonder why I live in Belgium "le plat pays", where you could never have a view like this from your window! Above is Lake Maggiore, with the Alps behind, as seen from the terrace of a friend's house. Below, the Dolomites behind the town of Feltre (50 km North of Treviso, in the Veneto), as seen from the topmost casement window of another friend's house. Ah, la bella Italia!
I believe I can fly, or I could if I went to Châtel, which is near Evian/Thonon-les-Bains on the French side of Lake Geneva. You will too if you click on the FANTASTICABLE video, to view select the first item - sensations virtuelles - under "visionneuse". Thanks to the Flying Non-Dutchman for sharing!
Brussels' Winter Fun (Plaisirs d'Hiver/Winterpret) festival is in full swing, with a son-et-lumière show in the Grand' Place that runs more-or-less continuously from dusk to midnight. It's great fun but I think somewhat over-sold here - what are "integrated urban markings", and do they know what "peculiar" means, I wonder?!
First Stu gives us a lesson in fruit bowl management, but neglects to mention that if you put bananas in with other fruit, the gases will (over-)ripen your apples and oranges. And now, my breakfast banana not only tells me that it likes to mix with other fruit (presumably after peeling), but also that it even has its own website.
I had dinner the other day with an Irish and an Italian friend in a Turkish restaurant and S. subsequently sent me this clip of a song about French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. The son of a Hungarian immigrant, he is currently taking a tough stance on immigration, at least from Africa. It's in French but with French sub-titles, which is nice for (French-) language-learners!
I might have enjoyed this story (from the lingnews site) about Indian English as used in England more if the American commentator hadn't claimed that in the BBC TV series Goodness Gracious Me, AMERICAN Asians poked fun at the British relationship with India...!! I think Sanjay and Meera might be a little surprised. The BBC also covered the publication of the book concerned, by Bajlinder Mahal, last month.
Baabul must be one of the silliest Hindi movies I have ever seen (OK, half of one of the silliest movies, I left at the interval), but it pales beside one of the ads that preceded it. A woman gives Santa - whose appearance in red-and-white outfit was promoted by Coke commercials in the first place - a bottle of the eponymous beverage and the slogan appears: "Taste the Coke side of Christmas". What the heck does that mean??!
Apparently Winter doesn't begin officially until the winter solstice on 22/12: but to me, December, January and February are winter months, therefore it ought to begin on 1 December - which happens also to be the date on which Brussels' "winter market" opens. So, I thought I had better post the last of the Autumn photos, especially as the trees reflected here in a Commission office building on Square de Meeûs don't look like this any more but are now almost bare.